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Cogs which refer to what-we-do







Chess piece symbolising strategy

Help setting strategic objectives, or pivoting from performance to brand marketing (or ascertaining the most effective blend of the two)?


Establishing whether to pursue an omni or multi-channel approach, or developing more cohesion between channels to increase your returns?


We’ve worked across a spectrum of challenges and developed successful strategies to address them. 


Notepad symbolising consulting

From brand consultancy, to employing new tactics to establish immediate performance gains.


From sourcing partnerships to bridge identified gaps, to building test/learn/scale roadmaps which help diversify a marketing mix.


We’ve advised on everything from building measurement frameworks,  campaign rebuilds, to digital transformation. What can we first change within a business to maximise the impact of marketing even? 


Football chalkboard symbolising media

We establish the role of channels, the appropriate means to measure them and most cohesive way to deploy them. Our start point.


We believe in good media planning, which is proven to multiply returns more than chasing rock-bottom media costs (and potentially suspect spaces in which to showcase your brand).


We underpin good planning with market leading execution, in-campaign optimisation and post-campaign evaluation. 


Compass symbolising orientation

Your customer data is not a true reflection of marketing effectiveness.


We help clients interrogate theirs to identify the signals and insight we can then layer, with real world data and insight to enrich/rebuild existing marketing strategies.


Not chasing look-a-likes, but recruiting new interest, across the customer journey (not just within marketing).


We call this data orientation, and it creates more valuable marketing currency.


mc² can fix your cassette tape

...we're fixers

We're extensively networked, which means we have partners to call upon to help support any client problem (and we get some real curveballs).


We've been challenged to help with creative adaptations at scale, trafficking and clearance to get on TV in time for Christmas, web design, UX, build and maintenance, corporate name but a few.


Get in touch even if your challenges sit outside our wheelhouse, and we'll gladly point you in the right direction.

mc² are fixers
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